Buff “The Stuff” Bagwell

Before he was a reality TV star on Gigolos, or in major motion films, “Buff” Bagwell was Marcus Alexnader Bagwell, a 60-1 Golden Glove state champion boxer in Georgia. 

Making his mark in professional wrestling,  Bagwell became a staple on World Championship Wrestling throughout the 1990s, including the most popular period in pro wrestling history. On a roster filled with legends that included the likes of Hulk Hogan, Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall, Bagwell was among the most recognizable faces.

To this day, he is still one of the most talked-about figures from the Monday Night Wars era. 

Social Media

Instagram: @marcusbuffbagwell

Website: www.marcusbuffbagwell.com

Twitter: @marcbuffbagwell

Facebook: facebook.com/marcus.bagwell.94